Sunday, August 24, 2008

Defend Marriage

There is a battle going on in California against marriage and the family unit. A few years ago over 60% of the state voted to make it illegal for gay couples to marry each other in the state. Unfortunately, it wasn't written into the state constitution. Earlier this year, four liberal agenda pushing judges out of San Francisco over-ruled the will of the people and ordered that gay marriages be allowed.

There is currently a ballot on for the people of California to vote on this election that will put an amendment on the state constitution. The wording of the amendment is simple: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California.". Most of the people I know reading this are not in California, but know people in the state and hope they can spread the word.

Whether you support homosexuality or not, it's not right that a small minority force their lifestyle and choices on others.

If the law allowing same-sex marriages is allowed to stand, there are more consequences that will be forced on those of us that do not agree with their lifestyle. Children will be taught in school that same-sex marriages are just the same as traditional marriage. There is also the possibility that all who wish to perform marriages will have to agree to perform same-sex marriages or lose their state recognition.

Let me take this one step further for those of us who are LDS. Currently, our bishops and others are allowed to perform civil marriage and some are allowed to perform these ceremonies in the temple where they are also sealed for eternity. It is safe to say that same-sex marriages will not be performed in our temples. So, it is possible that since we won't agree to that, the state will say that we are discriminating against same-sex couples and can no longer perform marriage ceremonies in the temple that are recognized by the state. So...any LDS couple that desires to be married in a California temple, would have to be married by a judge or some other civil servant that has authority before they could go to the temple to be sealed.

Now, as many of you know, I'm no legal expert, but it's not hard to add 1+1 to see just how possible this situation is. Anyone reading this that isn't LDS don't need to think it just affects our religion. It would affect any other religion that doesn't believe in same-sex marriages.
For more information on the amendment that is being voted on, and what others have to say about it, just type in"yes on prop 8" in any search engine and several different web sites will come up.

Let's all support the sanctity of marriage, and not let this spread nationally.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Gang up on Trish!

She was complaining the other night that I never update my blog. I mentioned that I don't remember her even having a blog! I do, Nat does, Austin does, even Andy does (even if sammy is the only one to post on it.) :-) So, this is the petition to get Tricia up with the times. than maybe onto mom and dad???