Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hello Everyone

Ok, so I was able to post that one time blog via email and all the others have dropped off the face of the earth. Seeing as I haven't updated this much in the last few months, there probably isn't many people who read this. That's alright though because I'm now repenting and updating.
The main reason that I'm updating is so that I can say hello to my bro' Ryan in Iraq. He is part of the Triple Deuce out of Cedar City, Utah and I told him to check out this site once in awhile. So...what's going on man? I hope that you are doing good over there in the oven. Have you seen any of those camel spiders yet? Those things are freakin HUGE!!! It wouldn't surprise me if they could pack away a Humvee!
Things are good here. I've moved into my new condo and am trying to get settled in. I went to the Freedom Blast on the 2nd up at Rice Eccles stadium. I got buzzed real close by some fighter jets and really felt the earth move. They also had some BMX stunt riders and a diving team perform. The best part of the night, besides the fireworks of course, was Kelly Clarkson performed. She looked rather nice. One of the guys that I went with was so moved that he screamed out his love for her. :)
Well, hope you're doing good Ryan and hope that all of the men and women serving our great nation know that you are missed. Come home safe and keep up the good work...



At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it takes some time to become a popular blogger since you don't have any comments yet, but at least I get to be your first comment! Actually I don't even get what the blog thing is all about. But here i am responding to one. Whatever. See you on Thursday...GO TIGERS!!!! (Nat)

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ross how are you thought you were in california hope things are going well for you join my space if you want to be a bad aaa blogger. If you want to chat i am on my space lol later.



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